Comments: For a long time I wanted to make a Gr.Ch.Mayday(ROM) breeding that not only preserved the blood, but would also be a performance breeding. I wanted to use all the winning sons of Mayday in the same pedigree, but somehow lower the inbreeding coefficient so that they'll be performers. The answer came two years ago when Yellowbull was born. He is a direct son of Hollingsworth Bull (POR) to a very inbred Gr.Ch.Yellow (ROM) - Ch.Sassy bitch. This is the exact same combination that made Gr.Ch.Mayday (ROM) himself, along with Ch.Drgonlady, and Ch.Choice. I decided Yellowbull would be what I would put on top to refresh the blood, and bring it back to the late 1980's. Stage two was to use a bitch that was 50% Hollingsworth and 50% Redboy-Jocko as Mayday was, but incorporating his winning offspring. So, a deal was made to bring Miss Blitz to Texas who was inbred RTK's Crash to a Ch.Tonka Bear bred bitch. She was immediately bred to Haunchday who was a maniac out of Gr.Ch.Baracuda bred to a daughter of Gr.Ch.Haunch bred to Dollyday. From there came MRK's Dolly who was bred to Gr.Ch.Lukane to make Blitzday. Here it is gentleman, a breeding that encompasses all the winning sons of Mayday under the same roof with a blast of the original combination that made Mayday himself using frozen semen from a dog that was born on old man Hollingsworth's yard in 1987. (832) 423-6665 or
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